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The Ofenhalle in Langenthal, formerly known for the production of porcelain, is currently being transformed into a lively daydance spot for house and tech house lovers. Up-and-coming Swiss artists such as And Hazel, Braensh, Clair, Josc, Mark Hall, Mike The Connector, Mr Smooothie, PDaddy, She Nionika and Yago performed at the Fragile event by Deja Vu Events.

The Ofenhalle in Langenthal, formerly known for the production of porcelain, is currently being transformed into a lively daydance spot for house and tech house lovers. Up-and-coming Swiss artists such as And Hazel, Braensh, Clair, Josc, Mark Hall, Mike The Connector, Mr Smooothie, PDaddy, She Nionika and Yago performed at the Fragile event by Deja Vu Events.

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